Product Descriptions

Working as a teacher was some of the best training I could've hoped for because there's no fooling children - either your explanations make sense to them...or they don't. And over time, I became fairly adept at convincing my students to do the right job.

In January of 2018, after nine years of teaching, I transitioned out of the classroom and into the advancement office of a dynamic and innovative school.

As the in-house copywriter for a team that raised $2MM annually, I wrote hundreds of direct response emails, newsletter articles, auction package (catalog) descriptions, and fundraising appeals in the voice of more than a dozen different people.

My copy is clean, emotionally compelling, and research-based. I can help you reach your "head nodders," a.k.a. the people who already want to say yes to you. Of course you want to spark their interest, and also nudge them towards opening their hearts, minds, and wallets to support your organization.

Ready for great copy?

Drop us a line today to discuss your project